Lately I have over heard quite a few adults talking about either their kids or someone elses when it comes to beginning their life. I have heard so many things come from parents mouths about everything their children are doing wrong. Nothing about what the have achieved so far as they make their way into adulthood. They have talked about how they were telling their son that now that hes in college he cant be wearing tee-shirts and athletic shorts all the time now and that they actually need to be somewhat professional now because if they don't no one will take them seriously. Heres the thing though. Just because you are a parent what makes you think that you can tell your now adult kids what they should even wear. It might not be very professional but at the same time you cant be dressed to work 24/7. Or even better yet there is the "I told him he needs to shave because hes never going to get a woman with that on his face" ??????????????????? That makes no sense, why do you need to control your sons facial hair as well as his relationships based off of it.
It doesn't matter how you look. The person that's right for the jobs is the PERSON not their body. It shouldn't be seen as super unprofessional to have tattoos or piercings. You could have that tattoo to remember someone that's no longer in your life because they left too soon. You cant say sorry you cant work here because your grandma died, so why is a tattoo different? Or maybe you just like your nose being pierced since it gives you confidence, is that such a crime? Also just because you have those things it tells nothing of who you really are, so no need to judge against.
Even colored hair has kept being from being hired. None of these things are reasons to say you aren't professional or in other words you aren't "adult" enough, if there really is anyone who can actually define adult at least. To me an adult is someone who has a job, cooks meals, pays bills, has responsibilities. At the same time though at 17 I have all of those things. So what is it really that doesn't qualify me for adulthood? Maybe its the teddy bear I sleep with who knows
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Not really okk
When it comes to homework its always a struggle. Teachers give you all sorts of things to do mostly to keep you busy. Most of us, well at least here, take at least 6 classes, and when each of those teachers gives you homework for the night it doesn't really turn out to well. A lot of them just say well its only an hour of work so its not too long at all. Well when all six of your teachers say that, that 6 hours of homework right there. You are basically expected to do all of that without being able to do anything else for the night. Some of us are in extracurricular activities as well, often practice doesn't get over until around 6, giving you even less time to do everything.
I actually believe that made every school (high schools at least) should switch to more of a block schedule, kind of like college. If we had to only worry about 3 classes a day instead of 6 classes all in one day it would be so much easier. Honestly having just 3 classes would be so much better. We could all do any thing that we wanted to and still have time for homework because there wouldn't be 6 hours of it, and maybe, if you want that is, get to bed before like 3 am.
It is really quite ridiculous when you think about it, that pretty much 75% of the work you have to do for school is just a bunch of busy work. Since it is all just busy work it just makes you want to do it less and less, Now for some people I am sure that all the work actually does help them learn but for others its just a waste of time. Im sorry that I dont need to be told that one little tid bit over and over but I don't. We shouldn't have to deal with 6 hours of homework, especially if 4 hours of it is just a bunch of crap you have one over a thousand times before.
Not that me saying all of this will really do a whole lot but I feel like the make of homework needs to be looked at. Or just amount of classes in general. We need to redo the whole system and change how things are happening to actually not overwhelm students. Thats probably not going to happen though so this is really just a gnat on the web.
I actually believe that made every school (high schools at least) should switch to more of a block schedule, kind of like college. If we had to only worry about 3 classes a day instead of 6 classes all in one day it would be so much easier. Honestly having just 3 classes would be so much better. We could all do any thing that we wanted to and still have time for homework because there wouldn't be 6 hours of it, and maybe, if you want that is, get to bed before like 3 am.
It is really quite ridiculous when you think about it, that pretty much 75% of the work you have to do for school is just a bunch of busy work. Since it is all just busy work it just makes you want to do it less and less, Now for some people I am sure that all the work actually does help them learn but for others its just a waste of time. Im sorry that I dont need to be told that one little tid bit over and over but I don't. We shouldn't have to deal with 6 hours of homework, especially if 4 hours of it is just a bunch of crap you have one over a thousand times before.
Not that me saying all of this will really do a whole lot but I feel like the make of homework needs to be looked at. Or just amount of classes in general. We need to redo the whole system and change how things are happening to actually not overwhelm students. Thats probably not going to happen though so this is really just a gnat on the web.
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
O.verly C.omplex D.ay Alphabetizing
As most people know OCD is actually somewhat of a thing that people tend to use as excuses for anything. Oh you know I am so OCD because I brush my teeth like 3 times a day.
Brushing your teeth could be a OCD thing because you HAVE to do it but otherwise you probably just do it because you want to. Some people have to do everything in threes.
Connecting what you do to OCD if you really dont have it can really be an issue because for people who do have the disorder life is pretty hard.
Difficulty turning the light off without turning it on again just to make sure you know everything is alright before you go to the dark is annoying.
Everyone always questions you. Why do you always turn the light back on?? Well its because I HAVE to do it. I dont know why but its just what I have to do.
Feeling like you are trapped in your little obsessions sometimes, just HAVING to do it all. Without it you really do feel like something is completely wrong.
Going through your day trying to ignore all the repititions of things other cleanliness and organization is really nearly impossible.
Having OCD is really just a lot different than you think. Sometimes everything has to do with numbers and if its not the right multiple or number its all wrong. Could you imagine?
In a world where everything has to be a multiple of 3 or its not okay at all. Even washing your hands has to be that way.
Just without grabbing 3 paper towels its all wrong and you sometimes panic about it all and just panic because its all wrong.
Kicking yourself for doing something dumb, something completely out of the ordinary that isnt ever a part of you life.Which is really ridiculous.
Letting it all go is sometimes impossible unless you have a very valid reason to forget all of your 'morals' and routines otherwise it all stays the same.
Making the effort to stop your obsessions is really difficult and if someone is willing to do that for you, you must be pretty damn special.
Nothing can really make you stop unless its someone you really truly care about because otherwise you NEED to do them.
Officially ending something like that if really hard and just should really mean a lot to you if you are the one that the person with OCD is ending something for.
Probably wondering what it looks like to see someone with OCD who really cares about another human being enough for that right?
Question will be answered with this poem by a real person with OCD: Neil Hilborn - "OCD" (Rustbelt 2013)
Really its quite astounding to hear how much someone cares about another being to be able to overcome parts of their disorder.
Sometimes it really is hard to believe the tendencies people have and can be able to stop after lifetimes of routine.
Truthfully when it comes to OCD I really do believe that even though it is a disorder it shouldnt really be used against someone who has it.
Under the light switches at a school it says DO NOT LICK. Strange, probably for a reason, like a tendency of someone with OCD perhaps.
Very odd I know but things like that do happen and they wont stop because well, why should they care about what the rules say they NEED to do it.
Without further ado, I would like to say, like those light switches, lock the door four times, make sure you take 49 steps to the basement. Do it
Xylophones have to have a certain note played when you walk by JUST HIT THE NOTE, no one will care, just maybe think you are weird.
You just do you and it will be great and if anyone ever tells you its weird dont worry about it, if it really matters and you care about them try to hold back its ok.
Zucchinis must be 6.5 inches in length.
Brushing your teeth could be a OCD thing because you HAVE to do it but otherwise you probably just do it because you want to. Some people have to do everything in threes.
Connecting what you do to OCD if you really dont have it can really be an issue because for people who do have the disorder life is pretty hard.
Difficulty turning the light off without turning it on again just to make sure you know everything is alright before you go to the dark is annoying.
Everyone always questions you. Why do you always turn the light back on?? Well its because I HAVE to do it. I dont know why but its just what I have to do.
Feeling like you are trapped in your little obsessions sometimes, just HAVING to do it all. Without it you really do feel like something is completely wrong.
Going through your day trying to ignore all the repititions of things other cleanliness and organization is really nearly impossible.
Having OCD is really just a lot different than you think. Sometimes everything has to do with numbers and if its not the right multiple or number its all wrong. Could you imagine?
In a world where everything has to be a multiple of 3 or its not okay at all. Even washing your hands has to be that way.
Just without grabbing 3 paper towels its all wrong and you sometimes panic about it all and just panic because its all wrong.
Kicking yourself for doing something dumb, something completely out of the ordinary that isnt ever a part of you life.Which is really ridiculous.
Letting it all go is sometimes impossible unless you have a very valid reason to forget all of your 'morals' and routines otherwise it all stays the same.
Making the effort to stop your obsessions is really difficult and if someone is willing to do that for you, you must be pretty damn special.
Nothing can really make you stop unless its someone you really truly care about because otherwise you NEED to do them.
Officially ending something like that if really hard and just should really mean a lot to you if you are the one that the person with OCD is ending something for.
Probably wondering what it looks like to see someone with OCD who really cares about another human being enough for that right?
Question will be answered with this poem by a real person with OCD: Neil Hilborn - "OCD" (Rustbelt 2013)
Really its quite astounding to hear how much someone cares about another being to be able to overcome parts of their disorder.
Sometimes it really is hard to believe the tendencies people have and can be able to stop after lifetimes of routine.
Truthfully when it comes to OCD I really do believe that even though it is a disorder it shouldnt really be used against someone who has it.
Under the light switches at a school it says DO NOT LICK. Strange, probably for a reason, like a tendency of someone with OCD perhaps.
Very odd I know but things like that do happen and they wont stop because well, why should they care about what the rules say they NEED to do it.
Without further ado, I would like to say, like those light switches, lock the door four times, make sure you take 49 steps to the basement. Do it
Xylophones have to have a certain note played when you walk by JUST HIT THE NOTE, no one will care, just maybe think you are weird.
You just do you and it will be great and if anyone ever tells you its weird dont worry about it, if it really matters and you care about them try to hold back its ok.
Zucchinis must be 6.5 inches in length.
Passionate fruit
Have you ever been passionate about something but for some reason you just stop caring? Just like when you were little you were so excited to be a police officer when you grew up but then one day for some reason you decided it was no longer important to you. Sure with being a police officer maybe you just realized that maybe it wasn't a practical idea for a job in life, but that happens with other things too. Some things you are passionate about is something like fossils. You sit and go through all the rocks you can find to see if any of them have those amazing little once alive creatures. Who knows why but just something can be so fascinating and you just want to continue on with it forever. But yet again you stop caring. Maybe its a sort of thing with you feeling like its dumb because others make it seem that way.
Throughout life it really seems just like a coming and going of great things that no longer are. For me my goals in life when I was little was to be an artist, play the trumpet, and find EVERY fossil, every single one. I out grew the idea of an artist, people said well its unrealistic, so I forgot about it. The fossils were exciting but then I dropped that for some reason. After dropping the rocks I decided cakes were my passion and I even took classes and such. And the trumpet? I actually stuck with that one and have been playing for 7 years now and its great. Almost all those things I just stopped caring about which is weird. You would think no matter how young you would continue on with the things you find amazing in life.
After a huge gap of not knowing what to do with life after I dropped the artist, I finally figured it out. A teacher. It seems so great and now I'm pretty passionate about everything teaching, even down to the school and the minors.
I feel like even though we go through so many different things in life once we find something that we really care about it will all work out really well. Just forget about the things you used to love and keep going on because if you don't you'll just end up sitting around doing nothing. If you don't figure out a job you are passionate about you'll just end up a boring old pencil pusher. Just be passionate about something even if its just something like passion fruit, who cares?
Throughout life it really seems just like a coming and going of great things that no longer are. For me my goals in life when I was little was to be an artist, play the trumpet, and find EVERY fossil, every single one. I out grew the idea of an artist, people said well its unrealistic, so I forgot about it. The fossils were exciting but then I dropped that for some reason. After dropping the rocks I decided cakes were my passion and I even took classes and such. And the trumpet? I actually stuck with that one and have been playing for 7 years now and its great. Almost all those things I just stopped caring about which is weird. You would think no matter how young you would continue on with the things you find amazing in life.
After a huge gap of not knowing what to do with life after I dropped the artist, I finally figured it out. A teacher. It seems so great and now I'm pretty passionate about everything teaching, even down to the school and the minors.
I feel like even though we go through so many different things in life once we find something that we really care about it will all work out really well. Just forget about the things you used to love and keep going on because if you don't you'll just end up sitting around doing nothing. If you don't figure out a job you are passionate about you'll just end up a boring old pencil pusher. Just be passionate about something even if its just something like passion fruit, who cares?
Monday, January 12, 2015
Customer wins
Now I know the customer is always right. I am sure that some of the time they are. At the same time though they really aren't. I am really sorry but customers are idiots. They yell at you because the food isnt right which really isnt you fault at all but as a waitress you have got to take it ALL for the team which is annoying. Or there is the customers who get a pizza like this one lets just say its a supreme. So they order ~~~~ oh ill have a large pan supreme pizza~~~ Oh ok that is easy just a normal supreme nothing exciting at all. So you send the order back to the kitchen and what not and sit around and wait for it to be done. Now since they were the only people in the restaurant all of the other waitresses know what they got. The one out cleaning a table even heard them order. But it shouldn't really matter anyways. About 15 minutes go by, you already got them their drinks and what not and now finally there is something to do, take them the pizza. It looks great just amazing because well the cooks had nothing to do so they took their time on it and everything even. So you grab your handy dandy spatula and head for the customers table. Getting there you smile and say Ive got your pizza here for you is there anything else you need?
~~~~WELLLL ACTUALLY YEAH this pizza is wrong~~
Well how on earth could it be wrong you repeated their order and everything everyone even heard them order and they know that it was just a normal supreme large pan pizza.
~~~It wasnt supposed to have black olives but there is some on here and we just hate those and we had asked you to make sure it didnt have black olives on it.~~~~
Well great just fucking great because now you have to confiscate their pizza AND remake it AND give them some money back not to mention the fact that they probably wont tip you anything. The best solution is just to fix it. Dont argue because well the customer is always right. When you do argue it can actually get really bad, with people even cussing at you which is ridiculous. DO NOT FIGHT YOUR WAITRESS OVER A PIZZA honestly it is super uncalled for and really disrespectful. Personally I have about had it with idiots who decide that everything they say is right even when you tell them their order back when they order TO MAKE SURE ITS RIGHT like 7 times and then you still say its wrong. There is no need, We are just trying to get you food im sorry if it was my fault or yours or the cooks but please dont make a scene at a restaurant because its embarrassing not only for the business but for you. Just dont blow up over spilled milk
Well how on earth could it be wrong you repeated their order and everything everyone even heard them order and they know that it was just a normal supreme large pan pizza.
~~~It wasnt supposed to have black olives but there is some on here and we just hate those and we had asked you to make sure it didnt have black olives on it.~~~~
Well great just fucking great because now you have to confiscate their pizza AND remake it AND give them some money back not to mention the fact that they probably wont tip you anything. The best solution is just to fix it. Dont argue because well the customer is always right. When you do argue it can actually get really bad, with people even cussing at you which is ridiculous. DO NOT FIGHT YOUR WAITRESS OVER A PIZZA honestly it is super uncalled for and really disrespectful. Personally I have about had it with idiots who decide that everything they say is right even when you tell them their order back when they order TO MAKE SURE ITS RIGHT like 7 times and then you still say its wrong. There is no need, We are just trying to get you food im sorry if it was my fault or yours or the cooks but please dont make a scene at a restaurant because its embarrassing not only for the business but for you. Just dont blow up over spilled milk
Bright eyes
Now driving a half hour away just to see a movie was kind of dumb, but at the same time it was worth it getting to hang out with friends and what not. Although the downside to it was that the movie started at 7:45pm and was 2 and a half hours long. So getting out at 10:30 was already annoying not to mention the fact that it was freezing and super dark. Still it was all worth it.
After driving back and dropping people off you start to head home. Its about 11:30 at night now and well there is no one on the roads at all. Getting onto the highway, again no ones around. You get up to speed at out of no where there is those gleaming bright yellow eyes. Its actually quite terrifying. You wouldn't really think much of it but the fact that you are going 55 mph makes it a whole lot more terrifying. Also the fact that the body thats holding those bright eyes is bigger than you. So what do you do. Everything is going through your mind. ~do i slam on the brakes??? what if it stops?? should i swerve???? but if i swerve is there another car there and what if its slippery and what if i go in the ditch what to i do???~
Well, for me the other night I didnt know what to do and thought that the best option to avoid the massive deer was to just swerve and hope no one was there but going at 55 mph you kind of lose control when you swerve and you end up going back in forth to you get control again. Luckily I didnt hit the deer. Luckily I didnt hit a car. Luckily I didnt go in a ditch. It was absolutely terrifying. I really dont recommend trying to drive at 11:30 at night on the highway because its really scary when you cant see and something just basically appears, just absolutely terrifying.
Now that was basically the deer that was in front of me so maybe it really wasnt all that massive but still, in the moment it seemed like a giant. Just either I needed to be more aware or maybe it did just kind of appear out of nowhere I have no idea. It all happened really fast. Luckily there wasnt a whole heard of them behind it, who knows what would have happened then.
Basically I'm saying I am now terrified of deer and everyone should be because they are terrifying creatures and you should never go near them. ALSO maybe just be more careful than me or go slower on the highway at night or something because no one should have to be terrified of something that really does no harm, it just tried to cross the road and such. Please dont die or go off road in a snowy ditch and what not. That would be quite awful.
After driving back and dropping people off you start to head home. Its about 11:30 at night now and well there is no one on the roads at all. Getting onto the highway, again no ones around. You get up to speed at out of no where there is those gleaming bright yellow eyes. Its actually quite terrifying. You wouldn't really think much of it but the fact that you are going 55 mph makes it a whole lot more terrifying. Also the fact that the body thats holding those bright eyes is bigger than you. So what do you do. Everything is going through your mind. ~do i slam on the brakes??? what if it stops?? should i swerve???? but if i swerve is there another car there and what if its slippery and what if i go in the ditch what to i do???~
Now that was basically the deer that was in front of me so maybe it really wasnt all that massive but still, in the moment it seemed like a giant. Just either I needed to be more aware or maybe it did just kind of appear out of nowhere I have no idea. It all happened really fast. Luckily there wasnt a whole heard of them behind it, who knows what would have happened then.
Basically I'm saying I am now terrified of deer and everyone should be because they are terrifying creatures and you should never go near them. ALSO maybe just be more careful than me or go slower on the highway at night or something because no one should have to be terrified of something that really does no harm, it just tried to cross the road and such. Please dont die or go off road in a snowy ditch and what not. That would be quite awful.
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