Monday, April 6, 2015


Easter. The day that most people associate with new beginnings. New baby animals running about. Trees start to blossom all over. Flowers bloom and the birds sing. Easter day people go to church, make meals, and go on egg hunts. Bright colors all about, mostly just a relaxing fun filled day full of candy and surprises. The best of all is the bunnies. Bunnies are basically the face of Easter and some people are lucky enough to get a real bunny for a pet. One of the best things is to be surprised on Easter with a brand new pet. I am pretty sure the best day of my childhood was the Easter I got a bunny. Such small things can make a day for anyone really. Another thing which is just great about Easter is dying eggs. Who knows why coloring a egg in vinegar would be fun but it always is. These things are always great but honestly if I could just spend the day laying in the grass. On a nice Easter day its just fantastic to lay around in the nice cool green amazing grass. I really don't know what more I can say. We should all just sit back and relax and watch everything going on around us. You don't need to eat all that chocolate to make a great day. Spring is just a fantastic time of the year. All of those flowers with bright colors all around, nothing can be better. Its not too hot and its not too cold. It is plainly just perfect. So next time you go outside this spring I think you should go pick some flowers or maybe watch all the baby bunnies. Do anything to just relax and let nature make you happy.

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